Writer Out of Residence: Archives
I’ve been researching, investigating and writing about belonging for several years. This blog is a collection of some of my thoughts, interviews and experiences.
Enjoy. Ponder. Be Inspired.

Artist and writer Alana Bosgra on the colours of creating and the luxury of being an outsider
In this extract from the Walking With Writers podcast Alana (Lani) Bosgra talks about how she interprets the world through synaesthesia, the support...
Chele: on how a child helped her turn away from bullying and suicide
There was another incident where I fell down outside and I was crying. I was in the foetal position and I was screaming and I had this feeling that...
Leanne: on the power of giving and belonging to the music community
I was so stripped raw and at the same time I really felt like I was being held by the bricks, by the mortar, by the sound, by the community, by the...
February: Standing Room Only
There is a saying that it takes a village to raise a child. I believe it takes many communities to create a writer, or an artist. Tuesday night's...
A full house for our first 2017 session
You never know how a free community event will turn out so Wild Readings was thrilled to have a full house at Mu'ooz Eritrean Restaurant for our...
Joan: a farmer’s daughter connects through her father’s stories
Dad told a lot of stories and over the years. He’d repeat them and they’d be funny too and the fact that he’d repeat them, so I heard them at...
Poet Abdul Ibrahimi reads ‘Home’ Poet, philosopher and artist Abdul Ibrahimi reads from his poem 'Home' at...
Inaugural Wild Readings
Wild Readings: a public reading series for the storyteller in everyone Our first Wild Readings was a success. Tables were full at Mu'ooz Restaurant...
Suzanne: choosing adventure over security and possessions
"A lot of people didn’t understand why I quit my job when I had a permanent contract, which is still rare with the economic crisis going on in...
The Literary Handbag
Your inspiration to keep writing and reading and renovating your (creative) life.