Dance party at suicide prevention conference

Dance party at suicide prevention conference

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I flew to Vancouver for my first suicide prevention conference. I certainly didn’t expect a dance party. I was apprehensive. What if this conference was just too much for me to handle? If you’re thinking the same thing, here’s what it was really like at the conference. I felt validated and empowered to make change. And yes, there was dancing!

Starting something new is scary; Suicide prevention isn’t

Starting something new is scary; Suicide prevention isn’t

Since 1987, when my teenage brother died by suicide, I didn’t talk openly about him or his death to protect myself because in the beginning when I did tell people, some of them pummelled me with horrible chastising words. I don’t need to share those words with you here. If you are like me, a suicide loss survivor or a person with lived experience of suicide, you know what I mean.

7 Panic Remedies for Viral Anxiety

7 Panic Remedies for Viral Anxiety

On Saturday my husband and daughter went out to get some groceries in Toronto, Canada. After several hours they returned without hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, rice, potatoes, or toilet paper. Not one for panic buying, I hadn’t stocked up.    “We can...
Vicarious trauma (for writers) on the Brevity blog

Vicarious trauma (for writers) on the Brevity blog

The Brevity Magazine’s Nonfiction Blog today published a piece I wrote about vicarious trauma and how it affects me and other writers. I believe it’s something writers need to discuss openly: that way we can share concrete helpful advice to help all of...
First steps to getting published: advice from the experts

First steps to getting published: advice from the experts

Have you got a manuscript that’s finished and you can’t figure out how to get the attention of agents or publishers, or are you wondering what to do to get people to take your writing seriously? Being a writer isn’t easy. No one seems to want to pay...
Things I would tell my younger writer self

Things I would tell my younger writer self

Or, things I would tell my younger writer self (if only she would have listened) When I look back on my young writer self as a child or teenager, and later as a young adult in my 20s and 30s, I see a lot of wasted energy and time. To put it bluntly I lacked...
Say Hello to Mr Sudbury!

Say Hello to Mr Sudbury!

I’ve been trying to figure out what to call my husband when I write. ‘My husband’ is too boring, ‘spouse’ too formal, and ‘partner’ too practical (plus one wrong letter and it’s spell-checked into parent, which could...
Finding happiness in chair covers

Finding happiness in chair covers

Last week one of my friends called. “Um, can I suggest something about your writing?” “Sure,” I say. “I’m not precious about my writing, You can say anything.” Well I may be a little sensitive about it but I also want to hear...
Getting Bruced and Bobbed in the Turreted Money Pit

Getting Bruced and Bobbed in the Turreted Money Pit

The funny thing about writing a post about not writing every day is that I woke up this morning filled with new ideas and an urge to write. Something must have clicked in my brain overnight while I slept under the duvet and bedspread on my mattress on the floor. But...
Curating our creative lives and attitudes

Curating our creative lives and attitudes

I met up with singer songwriter Francesca de Valence this morning so I could record her for the Walking With Writers podcast. Before with green tea and coffee, during our walk along the Brisbane River, and after over an early lunch we discussed the artistic life and...