Dance party at suicide prevention conference

Dance party at suicide prevention conference

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I flew to Vancouver for my first suicide prevention conference. I certainly didn’t expect a dance party. I was apprehensive. What if this conference was just too much for me to handle? If you’re thinking the same thing, here’s what it was really like at the conference. I felt validated and empowered to make change. And yes, there was dancing!

Starting something new is scary; Suicide prevention isn’t

Starting something new is scary; Suicide prevention isn’t

Since 1987, when my teenage brother died by suicide, I didn’t talk openly about him or his death to protect myself because in the beginning when I did tell people, some of them pummelled me with horrible chastising words. I don’t need to share those words with you here. If you are like me, a suicide loss survivor or a person with lived experience of suicide, you know what I mean.