Writer Out of Residence: Archives
I’ve been researching, investigating and writing about belonging for several years. This blog is a collection of some of my thoughts, interviews and experiences.
Enjoy. Ponder. Be Inspired.
How rushing sabotages your best intentions & how writing makes you feel better
''The value of drawing is that it slows you down, you spend time looking...and you discover things.'' Betty Churcher, Australian art educator and...
Is technology limiting our sense of belonging?
I was at a writing workshop on the weekend and, over lunch, began chatting with a woman who has recently started dating again. Dating was an ugly...
Loneliness, suicide & the exhausting work of belonging
I’m out of steam. But I’m not supposed to admit that am I? When people ask me how I’m doing, I’m supposed to say ''fine''. Since when did we all...
How connecting with birds gives us a sense of belonging
A few months ago, near the beginning of my year-long project in belonging, we hung a metal bird feeder off the balcony. My eight-year old daughter...
Meeting author Geoff Dyer, or, how brief encounters with strangers boosts our belonging
I’m now seven months into my study of belonging here in Australia, my fourth country. This month I’ll be focussing on Reaching Out. I’m trying to...
How to make belonging contagious 2
''We cry out only when there is hope that someone may hear us.'' Jean Vanier Becoming Human In my last post, I suggested we reach out and replace...
One-third of people are lonely so let’s make belonging contagious
''Our survival depends on our collective abilities, not on our individual might.'' John Cacioppo, TEDxDesMoines A woman from a US ad agency...
Jean Vanier on weakness at the heart of belonging
''Belonging then is a school of love where we learn to open up to others and to the world around us, where each person, creature, and thing in our...
Inuksuit: ancient symbols of connecting & belonging
''From time to time, the spirits seek us out because they are in need of human warmth for a little while. That is the time to listen very carefully...
The Literary Handbag
Your inspiration to keep writing and reading and renovating your (creative) life.