Writer Out of Residence: Archives
I’ve been researching, investigating and writing about belonging for several years. This blog is a collection of some of my thoughts, interviews and experiences.
Enjoy. Ponder. Be Inspired.
Maxine Beneba Clarke & the unbelonging world of not Australian enough
''The real Aussie girls crimped and permed to get frizzy post-eighties afros, but I was busy begging my mother for hair extensions, or saving up for...
Brené Brown & pockets of belonging
''Vulnerability is kind of the core of shame and fear and our struggle for worthiness, but it appears it’s also the birthplace of joy, of...
Quotes from Sydney Writers’ Festival
''Poetry is a ruthless muse.'' Alice Walker at the Sydney Writers’ Festival, May 2014 This series of essays on belonging is all about me trying to...
How seasons influence our sense of meaning in life
''Sounds thicken the sensory stew of our lives, and we depend on them to help us interpret, communicate with, and express the world around us.''...
George Michelson Foy on silence
''We sit silently and watch the world around us. This has taken a lifetime to learn.’’ Nicholas Sparks The Notebook Have you ever seen an...
Eating ants & conversation
''Conversation is a meeting of minds with different memories and habits.’’ Theodore Zeldin, Conversation: How Talk Can Change Our Lives I ate ants...
How choice influences belonging, or Steve Jobs on toilet paper
''I like the ones without the tulips,’’ Steve Jobs on toilet paper in Wired (1996). Maybe I’ve been going about things backwards? A friend...
How chatting with strangers makes you happier
''Only parts of us will ever touch parts of others.’’ Marilyn Monroe, Fragments: Poems, Intimate Notes, Letters. Last Sunday I went out to...
Alain de Botton’s theory of envy
I love European weekend papers. I love the juicy book reviews and profiles and I loved them most when I was in London and filled my basket with The...
The Literary Handbag
Your inspiration to keep writing and reading and renovating your (creative) life.